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Emergency Preparedness

According to a survey from Statistics Canada less than half of Canadians have an emergency kit at home.  This includes Canadian's aged 15 and up across the 10 provinces.

PreparedBC recommends the following:  first aid kit and medications, battery-powered or hand crank radio, battery-powered or hand crank flashlight with batteries, whistle (in case you need to signal help), cell phone with chargers, inverter or solar charger, local maps to identify a family meeting place, some cash in small bills, at least 3 day supply of non-perishable food & a manual can opener, garbage bags, moist towelettes, water (4 lites per person per day) enough for at least 3 days, dust mask to help filter contaiminated air, and seasonal footwear and clothing.

It also important to have a kit at work and in your vehicle.  Food, water and supplies for a minimum 72 hours.